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Creating In-Country Value

Since 2018, we've driven back more than $51bn into the UAE economy through our In-Country Value program.

In-Country Value Creation


As a key engine of the UAE’s economic growth and diversification, we recognize the importance of building a sustainable supply chain, enabling local talent and companies to prosper, and supporting the development of our nation’s industrial sector. This is why we pioneered the In-Country Value (ICV) program in 2018, designed to maximize value retention within the country.

Through this procurement-led program, we aim to increase our contribution to the local value chain by boosting our in-country spend; enabling local suppliers and manufacturers to grow their base in the UAE; incentivizing international partners and companies to work closely with local firms, products, people, services and infrastructure.

Following its initial success, our program was nationalized by the UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) in 2021 to become the National ICV Program.

ICV program’s key objectives

Empowering local talent: Create employment opportunities and nurture the skills of local talent to foster innovation and sustainable growth both within ADNOC and the UAE’s private sector.

Diversifying the UAE’s GDP: Drive GDP growth and diversification by sourcing local goods and services in the UAE.

Strategic localization: Develop and strengthen private sector partnerships and collaborations to localize key elements of our supply chain, contributing to our decarbonization goals and the UAE’s sustainable growth.

ICV program in numbers

The success of our ICV program is reflected in the following:

  • The significant increases in our local spending over the previous years has resulted in us driving over AED187 billion ($51 billion) back into the UAE economy since 2018.
  • The signing of over 150 local manufacturing agreements.
  • The creation of more than 11,500 employment opportunities for UAE Nationals in the private sector.
  • Our pledge to support the country’s NAFIS program target to hire 5,000 more UAE Nationals by 2027.
  • Our AED1 billion in agreements for local food sourcing across our operations.

Engaging with our suppliers

Since we launched the ICV program, we have certified thousands of suppliers based on a comprehensive evaluation that considers:

  • Goods manufactured within the UAE.
  • Value of domestic third-party spend.
  • Emiratization record.

Through workshops, our online suppliers hub interface, and performance evaluations, we offer our partners continuous support and engagement to ensure their compliance with our internal business practices and to build a sustainable supply chain.